Monday, May 7, 2012

What is the Best video card for gaming I can get in the $0-$80 price range?

Ok so now i have an 8400 gs 256 with 512 mb turbocache ddr2 overclocked to

637 core 1274 shader 469 mb

I saw this video card and it quite impressed me…

will their be a big difference if i switch from a 8400gs to a 4670 1gb ddr3|||Yes there will be a big difference.

The 8400GS GPU is very weak, and it uses turbocache, which means for additional memory it hijacks some of your system RAM to use for itself, and that slows things down.

The 4670 is a midrange card with a faster GPU than the 8400GS and it has its own dedicated 1GB of memory and uses none of your system RAM. You will definitely see an improvement in 3D gaming performance.

Best Video Card in Price Range?

Hi. I am trying to decide whether I want a regular, mid or expensive video card for my computer. I play some games, but right now I want your opinion on what is good. I know nVidia and ATI make cards and I don't want to get into a "who's better" argument. What I would like to ask all you computer experts out there is to recommend one card from each category. Here are the features I would like to have:

1). PCIex16, 1 Gig RAM ($125 or less) or recommend one that will be good with other spec

2). PCIex16, 1 Gig RAM ($125 - $225)

3). PCIex16, 1 Gig RAM ($225 - $325)

I can't afford more than $325 for a video card, so please, no really expensive ones!

I only want to buy one card to fit into one slot, but if a video card has more than one GPU core, that's fine.

Games I am thinking of: Crysis, Left for Dead, Call of Duty, WoW|||Do you already have a sufficiently sized PSU (Power Supply Unit) to run a newer dedicated video card or should that be factored into the price range?

I'd recommend looking over the Tom's Hardware: "Best Graphics Cards For The Money: January 2011" article linked below. They categorize cards by performance and price ranges, which should cover what you are looking for. Of course pricing changes from day to day from online vendors, but it should get you an idea of what cards fall in range for you.|||For option #1

Check out the GTS 450

Which video card is better they are about the same price not enough for me to care but there different cards?

card #1

card #2

please just ether put the number that's better and why it better|||The 460 GTX…|||The 460 is a little faster, but the 5770 has a little more memory. Not enough to make up for the other little differences though.

To sum it up, 460 wins.

Which video card is the best and for the price?

512MB GDDR3 NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 240M [subtract $150.00]

1GB DDR3 ATI Radeon™ Mobility HD 5730 [subtract $100.00]

1GB GDDR5 ATI Radeon™ Mobility HD 5850 Add $0.00

1GB GDDR3 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 260M [Included in Price]

1.5GB GDDR5 65W NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460M [Add $150.00 or $4.00/month1]|||I'm going to assume you will be using this laptop for gaming purposes, otherwise there's no point in any of these video cards.

If you're familiar with desktop video cards, the GTX 460M will perform slightly worse than a desktop GTS 450. It is the top performer of that series, unsurprisingly. You get what you pay for.

Any laptop with those upper end video cards will have a relatively short battery life of < 90 minutes due to the very high drain those video cards impose on the battery. You want a cooling pad or tabletop between that laptop and your lap to avoid overheating.

I would opt for the HD 5730 as being both very capable of playing all games while not being a budget buster. You may be less price sensitive and more performance oriented than I.|||I would prefer the last item. The video card may not be appropriate for laptops.|||I would personally go with the ATI 5850. I've had good experiences with ATI cards, and they tend to give me the most bang for my buck.

When buying a video card for my comp what are the most important things & specs I should look at besides price

What should I look at core clock, memory clock, memory amount what? Oh and what do I need to be able to run high level 3d games.|||…

The above link is a visual representation comparing "video card" performance.|||weather or not it will work with your mother board.

Good video card for a good price?

here is my dilemma. i just got a new computer and here are the specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium (64-bit)

Q6600 Quad Core 2.4GHz

6GB Memory/RAM

750GB Hard Drive + 500GB External

Blu ray/HD DVD Optical Drive

HP w2207h 22" LCD Monitor

Sony MHC-EC98P 530 watt speakers

Logitech MX Air mouse

Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard

and to top it off... ATI Radeon HD 3450 256mb graphics/video card.

i'm sure the guys at acer had a good laugh when they decided to build this computer, i'm not a computer genius but then again i'm not uneducated. i want to know what is a good video card that is worth my time and money upgrading to so i may enjoy these types of games:

- Need for speed undercover

- Grand theft auto IV

- Battlefield 2

- Call of duty 4

- Crysis

i hope you guys get the idea of what kind of a computer user i am by the info and hopefully you can give me a good video card upgrade recommendation, i don't want you guys to waste your time and try to find me a good deal, that's my job but if you have something in mind please feel free to share, my budget is around 150-200 before taxes however 200 is kinda pushing it for me. if anyone lives in canada and is near a bestbuy go look for this computer seriously. ACER AM5620-E5512A. thats the product, it was 699.99 my dad haggled it for 720 flat (monitor and speakers were not included, but oh well :P). THANKS ALOT!|||The Radeon 4850 is in your price range, just barely.…

Shipping here will vary depending on where you live but all costs are in C$ and are up front. I too live in Canada and have had good experiences with this outfit.

Good luck.|||I'd recommend a 9800GTX. It'd be a significant upgrade and should run about $150.

Need for Speed Undercover? I miss the old-skool NFSs... like Porshe Unleashed. That was a good game.|||Crysis is the tough one there. You'll need at least an nVidia Geforce 8800GT with a minimum of 512mb of onboard ram. To be safe, I'd go with the 9800GT. From ATI, the Radeon HD4870 with a minimum of 512mb of ram should get the job done.

What video card do you recommend in the $120 - $150 price range?

The HD radeon 6850 would probably be the best for ATI/AMD that you would get and that is around the 150 dollar mark, For nVidia it would probably be the GTX 550Ti at around $125|||Anything.

Honestly, there isn't much difference in price with graphics cards. Two 150 dollar graphics cards are likely to have very similair performance.

If you want the most performance for your money, check what graphics cards you can buy and then find the cheapest one. i.e: An MSI 6850 might be cheaper than an ASUS 6850, while the only difference is the cooling methods of the cards.