Friday, May 4, 2012

Video Card and price question?

I've been looking around for a new video card for my computer. I think I have found what I like but getting things shipped to my apartment is hard (I have a PO box and trying to explain to UPS/Fed Ex how to get to my apartment is hard). So ordering it online isn't really an option. I was just planning on buying it at Staples. But, once I looked at Amazon, they have the same card for $100 less. I'm almost 100% its the same card (same model number and everything). Does anyone know if Staples does price matching?

Here are links to both pages for reference:……|||Yes, those are the same two cards indeed. Retail usually doesn't price match. Your better off buying off With the price from Stables, you could buy the 8800GT which is twice as better then the 8500GT.

If you solve your shipping complications, you should buy it online. Much cheaper and more convienent.

Stables is a rip off, so is any other retail stores like Best Buys, Fry's, or Good Guys, etc.. If your going to buy computer parts, buy them online from a reputable website such as|||Nope. infact stapeles probalby makes most of there money off of selling old cards at older prices. If i were you find a friend who lives in a house and get it shiped there. If that dosen't work then go to a local computer specialty shope not like a staples or a best buy and get it there

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