Sunday, May 6, 2012

What price do you think I should sell this video card for on Ebay?

AGP Radeon X1950 Pro with 256 MB.I bought it for $300 at Best Buy a year ago.|||Start it at $75 and let people fight over it. They close on average between $125 and $175. You'll get the most through a bidding war.|||Start at $35 and see where it goes. Used isnt always that in demand anymore.|||It can vary any where from the price you set it at to no more than maybe $400 or $500. Your best bet is to search it up on Ebay and see what the others are going for. That will give you the closest estimate possible.|||do a minimum bid of around say...200 or so and see who will give you the most. don't forget to figure out how much to charge them for shipping and make sure that the payment is clear before you sent the item as well. good luck and happy holidays!

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