Sunday, May 6, 2012

How much is an external video card?

Hey guys. It's me again asking you all about computer softwares and hardwares. This time I think it's kinda wierd. My friend told me that there are external video cards for laptops in the market ready to be sold. If you heard about this, then can any of you tell me the price? I hope to receive honest answers. Thank you.|||so far as nvidia and ati there are no external video cards , but there are external vga adapters for adding more monitors to your laptop since some sites won't tell what the video ram memory is you should google search it|||Its hard to say, in theory its kinda hard to hook up a video card outside connected to a USB, Cause it would need to be connected to the mother board. Cause it goes, CPU to HardDrive to CPU to Video Card to Video Port(or Screen if labtop)

but check out these

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