Sunday, May 6, 2012

What is the Best Video Card For The Price?

I am looking to play games (high end games)? I am Planning on getting an amd 64 x2 processor? Please Help!!!!!!!!!!|||id go with the latest nvidea grafix card look on the net u can find them at a good prise otherwise ur looking at around $150 bucks|||The best price range is about $250-$300.|||you opened up a can of worms on this one. it's all in how much you want to spend. i spent 500$ on a nvidia 7800 gt when it was new on the market. now you could ge it for less. although i do also recomend nvidia. there are many more settings you can adjust with an nvidia card compared to an ati card. i run half life 2 at max settings however that was not possible until i upgraded to 2 GB of memory. if you start shopping around this line these may not run at max settings but they will look really good. the 2 manufacturers i'd recomend either evga. or bfg. they both offer a lifetime waranty.

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