Sunday, May 6, 2012

Can you run 1 video card on an SLI motherboard?

I am building a computer and i am buying a 8600gts. I want to SLI it but im going to buy one video card when im building the computer and the other around Christmas or when Nvidia drops their prices. Can i buy an SLI motherboard and keep one video card in it for the time being? or do i have to buy them both at once?|||You can install only 1. when you get the 2nd, and after you plug the video card into the mb slot, you will then 'bridge' the 2 cards together (on top) w/a connector provided with the cards.

good luck!|||Yes, its set-up for 1 video card by default. I have 2 SLI boards and neither have 2 video cards. Don't spend your money on 2 8600's, get 1 8800gt and you'll be happier.|||YES, anytime. AND by then, even the 8800 series would also be cheaper.|||Yes you can run just one now, and put the second in later. Just a note though, two 8600GTS in SLI will be easily beaten by a single 8800GTS. Just thought you might want to know that, in case it effects your decision in any way.

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