Friday, May 4, 2012

Buying a new video card and motherboard?

My current motherboard only supports AGP video cards. Rather than just buying a really good AGP video card, I think I am going to upgrade my motherboard to PCI and get a new video card. I really dont want to spend a lot of money, but I want to buy something that will last me for at least too years. What is the best video card and motherboard for me to buy that is a decent price but wont be completely useless in a couple of years?|||u can buy a nvidia 8600 gts for ~$170, an asus M2N-E SLI for $100, if u need a new processor an athlon x2 5000+ is a good option, ~$110.

this pc is good for 2 years. and u'll play even crysis at good resolution and graphics.

u'll probably need around $380 plus shipping.

*a 2gb memory ddr2 800mhz is around $80-$100 if needed.

i feel envy about u living in a rich country.. here in brazil all products i listed here cost over double the price.

nvidia 8600 gts for example is around $390-420 from a very cheap vendor. not to say people here r used to earn ~usd$250 a month, thats humiliation.

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