Sunday, May 6, 2012

Buying new motherboard and video card?

My current motherboard only supports AGP video cards. Rather than just buying a really good AGP video card, I think I am going to upgrade my motherboard to PCI and get a new video card. I really dont want to spend a lot of money, but I want to buy something that will last me for at least too years. What is the best video card and motherboard for me to buy that is a decent price but wont be completely useless in a couple of years?|||It is not a good idea.It is hard to find a motherboard that has a PCIe slot and has the same CPU socket as your old one plus the same memory technology.Most likely you have to upgrade them all ;so you better buy a better video card for your existing board.|||……|||You're looking for a mobo with a PCI Express x16. Check the motherboard/cpu/graphics combo's at, and motherboard/cpu combo' at More information on motherboards,(reviews), and video cards are at,,PCm…,, just to name a few!|||You don't provide enough info. We need to know the *socket type* for your current CPU so that we can recommend a motherboard (MB) that is plug-compatible with your current CPU. If you also want to use the same RAM, you need to let us know the type and speed of the RAM in your current system as well. Finally, we need to know the form factor of your current case (or MB) so that we can recommend the correct size replacement.

You can probably find a MB that will meet these requirements. However, you may find it far more satisfying to upgrade these components. You should be able to do this for about $200. That's a new Intel socket motherboard ($82), a Core 2 Duo e2160 ($77), and 2 GB of top-drawer CAS 4 RAM ($52). I just ordered these myself last week. Think about it. You can add a decent video card to this setup for about $100. Video and MB alone will cost you roughly $120 - $600, depending on how much you're willing to spend on a graphics board.


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