Friday, April 27, 2012

Whats the best Graphics card for my price range?

I want to get a video card for ganing but can't decide witch one.

My price range is from $90 - $120

I will consider both ATi and Nvidia|||i have idea wtf they even made the 6790 for, 6850 are noticeably faster and cheaper usually. so id go with a 6850 for 120, or you can get 6770 for 85|||ati 5830 is better than 6790. And It only cost $115. I own it and can play crysis 2 in high setting. Of course, U have to get a dual core|||6790 is good. Coming in at 130$. GTS 450 for about 110$ is good.|||You should check EBAY. It is really hard to beat their deals and I have never been cheated yet.

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