I want one that will be able to handle games like: Oblivion, Fable, Halo, Diablo 2 & 3; but I don'tt want to have to pay a butt load of money to get it. Also I don't know if this has anything to do with the video cards I am able to get but I have Linux as my OS so..would that limit my options?|||Definitely the HD 4550. I just bought this card for a build that I did for my uncle. it was 44.99 on Newegg. This card received a 6.2 on windows 7 with the highest score possible being 7.9. ATI is way cheaper for almost every card. Linux will effect almost nothing. you will probably need to get a Linux driver for the card but more then likely it is on the disk that is shipped with the HD 4550.
very much so depends on the amount your willing to spend. look on www.tomshardware.com to see the benchmarks for specific games you want to play. It shows the fps for each card tested under specific graphics settings.
newegg will quickly determine the price of any graphics cards.|||The ATI 5750 is $150 and it will be able to handle those games you mentioned well, plus it's got DirectX 11. On a cheaper note you could try a NVIDIA 9500GT or a NVIDIA 9500GTX (GTX is better)|||3870 worked fine for me for years, 4870 is still a really good card too, depends on how much money u have. but the 3870 would do fine for those games|||The ATI cards. They're cheaper than Nvidia and have great performance. Try the ATI HD 4550.
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