Sunday, May 6, 2012

What video card would be better than my current one, but at a reasonable price.?

I'm looking to upgrade my computers video card. Right now I'm using the NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. I'm looking for a better one for gaming in the price range of $50-200. If you could list some options or maybe tell me a website that would be awesome thanks. :)|||$50 - i wouldn't bother looking here, as graphic cards here aren't much better than an integrated one.

$100 - ATI Radeon 4850 (512 mb version)

$150 - ATI Radeon 4870 or nVidia Geforce GTS 250 (1 gb versions)

$200 - ATI Radeon 4890 or nVidia Geforce GTX 260 (216 processor model)|||You have alot of options. Why not check out the video cards at

There you'll find reviews, excellent prices, and really good customer service.

Good luck!

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