Monday, May 7, 2012

What video card will allow me to run black ops on my LAPTOP?

Whats a good video card that will run black ops on my laptop with no problem and reasonably priced! my specs are intel core 2 duo 2.20 GHz 4 gb ram and windows 7 and i can upgrade the graphic's card its not integrated|||So you already own said laptop? If this is correct, then none. Laptops by nature do not allow the end user to upgrade the GFX card. Laptops have the GFX either in the CPU, or it is soldered to the motherboard, or Logic Board if Mac.

Sorry to break your heart, but you are stuck with what you got.

**Disclaimer: I am aware that a very select few laptops do allow for the end user to upgrade the GFX card, but from the sounds of it, this computer does not.|||NVIDA:

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