Monday, May 7, 2012

What is the Best video card for gaming I can get in the $0-$80 price range?

Ok so now i have an 8400 gs 256 with 512 mb turbocache ddr2 overclocked to

637 core 1274 shader 469 mb

I saw this video card and it quite impressed me…

will their be a big difference if i switch from a 8400gs to a 4670 1gb ddr3|||Yes there will be a big difference.

The 8400GS GPU is very weak, and it uses turbocache, which means for additional memory it hijacks some of your system RAM to use for itself, and that slows things down.

The 4670 is a midrange card with a faster GPU than the 8400GS and it has its own dedicated 1GB of memory and uses none of your system RAM. You will definitely see an improvement in 3D gaming performance.

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