Friday, May 4, 2012

What video card should I get?

What video card should I get?

I bought World of Warcraft and my video card won't run the game. I don't want to spend much on a new card but would like to play the game. Where can I find a good card for a low price?|||for wow you really dont need a uber high end card.. please amend your question to state if you prefer nvidia or ati and i can help you out.

Keep in mind if you like raiding OR a lotta custom UIs you might want a slightly stronger then needed card.

Also if you play on a busy server.

Something like ATI 9550 can be had for 50$ or under and runs warcraft great.|||I would go with Nivida geforce. Look on or . I would get the geforce 7600. I have it and it isn't expensive and it plays all the games on high quality. Now if you have PCI only computer, I would froget about gameing because they make all the new computer video cards for AGP and PCI e x16.…

^^ Link for the PCI E one. Read the reviews and they will even tell you its a awsome card.

First I would check and see what type of BUS ports you have in your pc. There are 3 types PCI, PCI e, AGP.

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