Looking for a cheap video card to upgrade my nvidia geforce 9500 gt 1 gig card.
I have a quad core 2.66 gigahertz cpu with 4 gigs of ram. and a 750 wat power supply What card should I get for a price range of 200$ that will allow me to play on high or ultra graphics with 60 fps?|||The top 3 popular graphics card are currently:
In order of price and performance (descending)
Radeon 6870 http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLis…
Radeon 6850 http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLis…
GTX 460 http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLis…|||Increase your ram to 6gb out of the three the gtx 460, hd 6850,hd 6870 the better buy is the hd 6870
sparkle,msi, are two of the amd vendors i would buy that card from|||might i recommend the ATI HIS H687F1G2M Radeon HD 6870
it has 1 gb ddr5 ram, but memory clock of 4.2GBPS
should be able to handle any thing you throw at it!
cost is $200 onnew eggg.
link is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161349&cm_re=ati-_-14-161-349-_-Product
500 Watt or greater power supply with two 75W 6-pin PCI Express power connectors recommended (600 Watt and four 6-pin connectors for AMD CrossFireX technology in dual mode)
and just a by the way i used to be EXTREME nvidia fan, but i have come to learn with my experiencee that AMD makes a betterchip set!
Hope i was of help, but either way Good luck, It's always exciting to upgrade your computer!|||Your only reasonable upgrade would be a HD 5770, which should be about $125 or so.
You can go with a HD 6850, but you'll be spending extra money for no extra performance.
While your current video card is definitely a bottleneck, your CPU has a relatively low clock speed. A HD 6850 or better would be bottlenecked by the 2.6GHz CPU.
If you want better than an HD 5770, you should get yourself a Phenom II processor around 3.3GHz or faster to go with it. (a dual core at 3.3GHz would perform better for gaming than a quad core at 2.6GHz)
But the HD 5770 should perform quite well on your current system.|||consider these:
3.460gtx hawk edition from msi.
560gtx is highly reccomended if u can spend a little more.
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