Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does the type of video card matter if I'm not a gamer?

I'm not a gamer, I'm just in the market of a new laptop. I use if for work and play - Work = Designing stuff for print and keeping my website up and running, and Play = Web Surfing. Do I need to worry about a high end video card? It seems like I don't and that might make the price of a good laptop a little less. Thanks in advance.|||It really won't matter for you. As long as you can watch a video on the web with no problems, and aren't playing very memory-intensive games, then don't worry about upgrading to a better video card.|||From what you say, no, you don't.|||It does not matter IF you are not interested in the new graphics in Vista. Then it matters a lot. I suggest not being interested myself, but that is the reason you need to worry about it.

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