Friday, April 27, 2012

What video card would be good for me to buy within my price range and needs?

I need a new video card due to a multitude of complications. First my computer doesn't work, then I take my graphics card out, and poof it works. I've determined that the reason the port on the graphics card didn't work was because a pin from my cable got jammed in there...anyways, I'm looking for a graphics card that would be either around or just above the $200 dollar range, would be compatible with the basic stuff like the Sims 2, would be compatible with spore when it comes out, and have overall good video quality. It's AGP so thats gonna be a problem but...|||The top choice would be GeForce 7800GS 256/512MB…|||Nvidia Geforce 7600gt (300-350 watt psu with 20 amps on main rail)

Ati Radeon 1800-1950(any models) (400-450 watt psu 22 watt on main rail)

Nvidia Geforce 7950gt (400-450 watt psu 22 watt on main rail)

Those are basically the best of AGP the order of quality is, 1950gt(130-140+tax), 7950gt(130-140+tax), 7600gt(100+tax)

Going purely off internet prices, shops tend to charge more

Pardon grammar; its late.

If you're gonna play spore, I'd reccomend 7950gt or 1950gt, but keep in mind spore may be direct x 10 and agp has maybe 2 cards that can run dx10 and they're both on the lower end (I believe one is the 8600gts)|||if the AGP graphics port connection is faulty on the motherboard, it would be better to get a new MOBO instead of getting another card to insert into an existing AGP port thats faulty. If it's the AGP card that is faulty, then buy a new graphics card. The best one is ATI x1950 512 mb video card and has enough ummph to play the more current crops of games like Call of Duty 4. Sims 2 you can buy a cheap Nvidia 6600 GT or 7600 gt card if you're on a tight budget.|||The best prices around are found at I suggest you go there and click on the video cards option. You'll find more different types of cards than you might ever have imagined, and you'll find where you can get the new card at a very competitive price. For $200 there, I believe you could find a very capable video card, probably with more capabilities than the one that came with your computer.|||Ok I agree you may need to purchase a new motherboard but anyway here's a link to 512 mb AGP video cards all of which fall into your price range (some even have direct x10 built in)…

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