Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is the best AGP video card from ATI on the market ($200-$300 price range)?

I'm not looking for the insanely priced, highest end, custom cooled solution... just the most reasonable gaming card right now. Im confused between the xXXX and x1XXX series of cards. Also, not looking for any special video editing features, just straightforward 3D gaming.|||no problem man. these are all ATI AGP video cards in the range of $200 ..$300, the best is IMO the ATI 100-435603 Radeon X850XT 256MB GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLis…|||The higher the better, so if you can afford an x1900x that's be great. But on newegg, I can only find the x1600x for AGP. For ony $150|||Well... then your best bet would be to go to best buy and buy whatever they have in your price range...

They're like anything else... you get what you pay for... if you're not concerned with getting the best, then get one in the $200-300 range and you should be just fine (as long as it's compatible with your system

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