Friday, April 27, 2012

What is the highest power video/graphics card that can play the most powerful and recent games that is 8x AGP?

Dell Dimension 4600, need a new graphics/video card, and I am looking for the fastest/strongest one that is 8x AGP. Price is no concern, can pay for pretty much anything.|||This is about it for AGP...…|||check through this the radeon his looks pretty decent but didnt really look through them…

the main things you must look at are the memory interface the higher the better.

core clock the memory clock and the ram size|||…

Of course, if money was no object, why would anyone want to upgrade some old piece of crap in the first place?|||The answer Dave posted is a 128mb DDR2 graphics card! I THINK NOT


Boom, 1gb of DDR3, for only 40 more dollars.

Just buy a new PC if you're so damn rich.

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