Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whats the best video card for newage gaming for an affordable price?

An affordable price as in $100-$300|||Go for the Nvidia GeForce 7950 if you're actually willing to spend that much. You can also get a lower-end 8800 for $300, which is pretty much top of the line.|||I know radio shack has a really good one, i just dont remember the name of it. IT was the only one they had so it should be easy to find, I think it was 100 and it works reallly good. Hope this helps|||http://www.newegg.com|||Benchmarks:


for that price range:


Note: this card will need a dual rail 12volt. Somthing like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…|||Some of these cards draw 25-30+ amps at 12V.

Make sure your power supply can supply it or you will face and additional cost of $100- $150 cost to upgrade your power supply.|||Look into the nVidia 7000 series. They are the previous generation, and still plenty fast for most people. The price has come down a lot now that the 8000 series is out.

I have two 7800 GTs for sale on eBay right now, at just over a hundred bucks.

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