Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is the best video card for the price?

i want to play games like far cry 2 at max settings|||Here's best GPU per price-range right now

100 = 4830

150 = 4850

200 = 9800gtx+ or 4830CF

250 = 4870

300 = 4850CF

350 = iunooo!

400 = 9800gtx+ SLi

450 = gtx280

500 = 4870CF or 4870X2

Personally, I'd recommand going for 150-300$

Anything lower won't give you enough for farcry2 maxed

Anything higher won't be worth the price.|||9600GT. Outperforms the 9800GT. Excellent card.|||my XFX geforce 8600 gt is doing a very good job running a max settings on fallout 3 but with gta 4 its a bit lacking. i would check out the geforce 9 series cards and all those will definitely do the job.|||There's more to gaming than just a video card. You're going to need a high-end CPU as well, especially for Far Cry 2 at Max Settings. If you want Max Settings, I wouldn't go anything less than a GeForce 280GTX paired with a high-end quad-core processor.

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