Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is the best video card?

If you could get any video card(s) that you wanted for the purpose of graphics, without any limit on price, what would you get?|||I would 4-way SLI a GTX 295, which would cost around $1050 to do and require an insane power supply.

However for the best bang for the buck, a single GTX 260 or Radeon 4870 would be the best.|||sorry..but you are wrong to a degree..

the best set up would have to be 3 GTX 280..

many game out now do not use the fourth GPU in Quad SLI configurations..|||Personally I would go with a ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 much better than the Nvidia GTX 295. And If money was no object get a board that supports as many as possible and Crossfire em.

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