Thursday, April 26, 2012

Im about to purchase 7800GTX video card. Where can i buy it at the best place and at the best price. I?

understand these card require a higher watt power supply, my power supply says output DC 300watts,(3.3V and 5v 130 watts max) is this good enuf, My system configuration is AMD athalonX2 4200+ with 1 gb of memory please respond with ur experience with this card. What is the max price should i pay for this card|||The 7800GTX is a hard video card to find.

Based on your system I think you would be best with the 512MB version (a 256 was also produced).

Currently, the best price is $698.62 including shipping.…

However, if your system allows for it, consider the ATI Radeon x1650 Pro (512Mb) which is currently one of the most popular for upgrades with the release of Vista.

Best Price: $186.48 shipped…|||check on these links…

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