Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What would the price range be for a video card that can support graphics of the latest games?

No it doesn't have to be an amazing video card just one that can support games like left4dead or fallout3 without any problems. (it doesn't have to be in the highest resolution either)|||If you're looking to play those games at about 1280x800at medium settings and maybe some filters you're looking at about a $150-$200 range. The 9800 gtx + will be easily be able to do all of that and probably a lot of the more complex games as well at medium settings no prob. U can also find them for sale at $120-$130 so I definetly recommend that card to you. Ati wise a 4770 or a 4650 would do as well but I recommend those to people who are more in watching bluray and putting that on a HDTV via hdmi. Game wise 9800 gtx all the way

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