Friday, May 4, 2012

I want awhat is a powerful video card compactible with my mother board?

i have a GA-G31 motherboard with a PCIe Express x16

i have a built in video card but its so slow and its not powerful

i want it for playing HD games

please say to a video card the is compactible with my motherboard

and the card should be so fast

say the price and the name of the card and how many MB it is

please help me with my video card problem

i will chose best answers


i am waiting for ur answers |||The Nvidia 8800GT is a good graphics cars. It is DDR3 and quite powerful. The price is a bit hefty. It runs at 256bit and 90MHz. It usually has 256, 512 or 640MB memory. It is Vista and DirectX10 ready.

I live in South Africa. Here the price is abou R3000. Converted it costs about $373|||Why not go for a GeForce GTX? It's fast and powerful and will fit on your slot. Whether or not there are any problems with that specific card/board combination as to compatibility (compactability?), you can contact the motherboard maker. I had a similar question years ago about putting a Geforce card on my Biostar board, and they e-mailed me back on the spot. Check the website for the MB maker - some of them have docs showing what cards were tested with what boards. I saw a GTX 280 for about $600 (it's a fast card, and you didn't specify what your pricerange was) with a GB of DDR3. That's got to rock.

"please help me with my video card problem "

What problem is that?

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