Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can I buy a video card for dell inspiron 15 to play sims 3?

I am getting a new laptop but need one that will play sims 3, but apparently the graphics aren't enough....so can I buy a dell inspiron 15 (or other) and add a video card? my price limit is 500 but hope for lower.

thanks|||Yes you could but you would also have to upgrade the processor from the standard Celeron to a Core 2 Duo. With that upgrade and the upgrade of the video card to a ATI HD 4330 video card, you would also have to upgrade the battery from a 3 cell to a 6 cell the total cost of the Inspiron 15 (1545) would be $634.99, and that is over your price limit.

Best Buy has the Gateway NV53A24u which is $499 and it will be able to play the Sims 3

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Gateway+-+La…|||No you cant upgrade graphics cards in laptops. Your stuck with what you get

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