Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is the best video card below the $100 price range?

From my research so far, the GeForce 9600GT is tops at this price point. The Radeon HD4670 looks like a nice card as well. It doesn't perform quite so well, but it's 10-15$ cheaper.

Does anyone else have an opinion?|||the 9600gt is the best sub-$100 video card


if you can bring yourself to spend another $10 the 8800gt will give lots of extra bang for your bucks

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…|||It's not that you can just go out and by a video card for your laptop,it doesn't work that way.If that's what your referring to.If you talking about desktops you in the wrong area.|||The 9600 gt is the best for under $100


This is the link to the full specs of both those cards (9600 and 4670)|||GeForce 9600GT But if you'd like it $80 then get the 9600GS. It's only 5/6 the performance.|||8600 gt definitely|||i agree 9600gs is a great card

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